Tuesday, June 1, 2010

I need a maid or more hours in the day!

I still haven't quite wrapped my mind around how something so little can be so demanding when she sleeps in a couple hour stretches throughout the day! How can I have so little time to get things (like laundry) accomplished? Even with JP helping, it seems like at the end of the day there is still a list of things that need to be done!

I guess we can't help some of that. Because of the dogs, we have to vacuum every other day. We really should every day right now because they are shedding SO bad! I also have to clean the kitchen every day right now because we have a mouse. I hate mice! Cook's Pest Control has put out a ton of glue traps and even put poison in a couple of the cabinets and under the house, and this sucker won't die! Because I'm a germophobe, I feel the need to bleach wipe the counters all the time because I know that little germy icky thing runs all over the place at night! I don't know why it's still here...it doesn't get into any of our food or paper products or anything! It just lives here to annoy me, I think.

Anyway, Lily is asleep right now, but everytime I get up to go do something, she wakes up. She just whines for a few minutes until she sees me, then falls back to sleep. I have to quickly run and try to do things between these wake up/fall asleep things. Not that I mind...everytime she wakes up, she looks around and smiles at me. So it's kind of hard to mind running in every 10 minutes to hush her!