Sunday, February 27, 2011

Ok so I did Day 1 and Day 2 here you go, both in the same day now.

So I got a little ahead of myself. I told you what my blog name meant before I told you who *I* was. I guess I figure you all know me, so what is there to tell? But, here's a recap:

My name is Amy. I was born June 9, 1983 at some little hospital in Dundalk, MD (the hospital closed a little while after I was born after a bunch of newborns died of dysintery). My mom and dad didn't stay married long and when I was 3, my mom married my step dad. He legally adopted me and he is, as far as I'm concerned, my ONLY dad. I'm an only child. I met JP a LONG time ago...7 years this Sept...and we made it all legal on June 2, 2007. JP is everything I could have ever asked for in a spouse, and more. God really knew what he was doing when we randomly met at a friend's house. (An aside to this story: I used to work at Captain D's when I was in college, and JP used to come in to eat. I thought he was the greatest thing since sliced bread, and proclaimed loudly to anyone who would listen that I was going to marry him. However, I was completely terrified to actually TALK to him. So much so that I ran and hid from him when he came in so I wouldn't even have to say hi. It took a shot of tequila and a dare from one of my best friends to speak to him when he showed up at a get together at her house. Best thing I've ever done, hands down.)

Lily Katherine, our first child, was born on April 9, 2010. Not only was she completely unplanned, but she came 4 weeks ahead of schedule...4 days after JP's birthday. I told him she must have wanted some left over birthday cake. Lily and JP are my whole world...and I'm not ashamed one bit to say that. Lily changed my whole world, and being her Mommy is the greatest thing I'll ever do.

Let's see...I have lived in TN since I was 10, so that'll be 18 years this summer. Since it's more than half my life, I'd like to think I'm no longer a yankee, but I understand this is still up for debate. I'm allergic to darn near everything...including chocolate (it doesn't stop me from eating it, however). I love to read, I can paint, I'm a Gemini...long walks on the beach, blah blah blah....

Still reading? I sure hope so.

Anyway, this is me:
(and JP, of course)

(and this is Lily and I...I know, she's so much cuter...)

I have a wonderful family, fantastic friends, and I've been blessed with awesome in-law family. Who could ask for more? I have a job that I can't really complain about with a great company. I wake up everyday and have long lists of things to be thankful for...I am truly blessed.

Now, according to the challenge, you get to read 15 Fun and Interesting (or boring and nonsequential) facts about me.

1. I love turtles. Not as much as this little boy, clearly, but I do love them.

2. I am an AVID couponer. I could seriously write a whole blog about just that. I get so excited when I save a bunch of money using coupons, that even the check out people at the stores are excited.

3. When I had my allergy test done, I joked with the allergist that I bet I'd be allergic to my three favorite things: chocolate, milk, and dogs. Guess what? I am. Oh well, that's what allergy shots are for, because I'm not giving up chocolate, milk, or my dogs, or any combination therein. Who's laughing now, allergies?!

4. I'm not athletic, but after having a baby and having all the fast food I ate in college catch up to me (all at once, I think), I'm going to attempt to learn to run. You see, I run sort of like a blind penguin right now, so I have a long road. But, I'm shooting for Sherry's Run in the fall, and to lose approximately 209250890349 lbs. Well, maybe not that much.

5. I hate math, yet I am a teller at a bank, and I have worked at the bank longer than any other job in my adult life. You figure it out.

6. I blame #5 on the fact that I'm a Gemini and I have the whole duplicity thing going on. This is also why I love something one day and hate it the next (the weather, my hair, the color purple...whatever), and I live in a constant state of organized chaos. It's ok, though, because if you don't love me today, you probably will tomorrow.

7. I hate, loathe, and despise the following: cottage cheese, tomatoes, peaches, okra, grits, and peas. I try them all every few years to see if I may have grown to like them, or imagined that I don't...yea, I still hate them.

8. I may or may not be allergic to Penicillin. As far back as I can remember, my mother has told doctors that I'm allergic to penicillin, and she knows this because I had a terrible reaction to it. So, whenever I get REALLY sick, doctors have the worst time in the world finding meds for me. But, the last time I got sick, my mom said "Why didn't they give you Penicillin? Why don't you ever get Penicillin?" and now claims that I'm NOT allergic to, nor have I ever had any kind of reaction to, penicillin. So now, I beg the question...Do I attempt to take penicillin at some point and risk some kind of awful, excruciating reaction or not?

9. I love Farmville on Facebook. I know. Lame. But for some reason, my little farm is my form of relaxation. JP has paintball, guns, Playstation, Xbox 360...Lily has Yo Gabba Gabba...I have Farmville. Shut it.

10. I have to have at least one glass of milk everyday. When I was pregnant, I drank about a gallon every 2 days. That's a lot of milk over the 36 weeks I was pregnant.

11. I love music. There is just something about immersing yourself in a good song and feeling the lyrics and music deep down in your soul. My love for music doesn't stop me, though, from having a few guilty pleasures (and I mean guilty): Lady GaGa, Britney Spears, and the Black Eyed Peas. I know. I know. I promise I really do love some good music. I think that's another blog, though, so I'll save it.

12. It's harder than I thought coming up with things about me. Does this mean I'm as boring as I think I am? At least I can't see you all shaking your heads yes.

13. I am a Dave Ramsey convert. JP and I did Financial Peace University and we're about to actually start doing the 12 wk program again. We should be debt free, except for our mortgage, by October.

14. I love dogs and babies. If I had an unlimited income, didn't hate cleaning up dog hair so much, and wasn't totally miserable when I am pregnant, I'd have many more dogs and babies.

15. I have never had a cavity. Yes, you just read this ENTIRE blog to find that out.


  1. Nice! I stayed riveted the entire time. I only gagged once when you were talking about JP :-)

  2. Good post, Amy!! And super cute picture of you and JP! =)
